Saturday 13 October 2012

The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

I finally succumbed and bought the Hunger Games books. No, that's a lie. I had bought them but didn't really want to read them until the film came out. But I have read them, and haven't yet seen the film. Ah well.
I am going to review all of them in one go. :) *deep breath in*

The Hunger Games
What can I tell you about the Hunger Games? Can I tell you about the excellent writing, the cliff hangers, the way I don't want to put it down? I absolutely love it. I don't really know what else to say. I like the fact it's written like a film, flashbacks etc. I'm having a bit of a writer's block so I'll move on.
Catching Fire
I loved this book, possibly more than the first! I really enjoyed the style of writing, and the storyline. I liked the contradiction between the 'boy with the bread' and 'Peeta'. Very good. :)
I liked this book, don't get me wrong, I just felt like I could put it down, come  back to it in a week and still feel the same way.


All in all, I would rate it 9 loaves out of 10.

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